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By Syl20-(@142202)-2.jpg

Nourished Living 
Registered Dietitian

With more than 10 years of experience, I guide you with a psycho-sensory approach and above all, compassion in order to improve your health potential. My therapeutic approach is centered on eating habits, health and body image. 


My professional practice is often, but not always, guided by intuitive eating is an approach that helps you develop a healthy relationship with food and a positive attitude towards your body. Listening to and respecting your signals of hunger and fullness characterize this approach supported by scientific data. The intuitive eater is the expert on his body, his emotions and his food preferences.


The techniques of Mindfulness can also help us to find how to nourish ourselves to live fully. Mindful eating is a technique that anyone can master with practice.


In contrast to following a restrictive diet, my work with you consists primarily in helping you develop tools and techniques for adopting a healthy lifestyle with your objectives in mind while also enjoying the pleasure of eating.


In consultations we address topics around nutrition, beliefs and eating habits and also topics that impact our health and our diet such as:


Image de Isabella and Louisa Fischer


Sleep and our rhythms circadians have a direct impact on our mood, our mental health and our life balance

Image de Lucas Vasques

Medical History 

Your medical history (physical and mental) is part of is an important part of individualizing what will work for you

Image de Nik Shuliahin


Stress and emotions can cause problems directly affecting digestion, food behavior, sleep etc.. if not managed properly

ADN Strand


Your genetics can help inform us about the expression of certain digestive disorders, metabolic changes, and many others.

Danseuse moderne


Sport, physical exercise or

 "joyful movement" play an inmportant role in physical and mental health

Take care of your â€‹body and mind. 
It is the only place you have you live
"Eating well, whatever the needs and challenges, is an art that can be learned"
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